Motivational quotes from influencers are very important because influential people are among your best role models. Their motivational quotes contain rare gems of knowledge.
Highly successful people whose quotes are cited below started their lives just like you—as little children. Some grew up in dismal poverty. They then broke through all obstacles to become famous and successful.
You have similar innate abilities to do the same.
This claim is confirmed in one of the motivational quotes from influencers: John B. Watson, the father of behavioral psychology.
He claimed (1930):
Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in. I will guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, and even beggar and thief—regardless of the talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.

Take some time to consider each of these motivational quotes from influencers. Find those that deeply inspire and challenge you. Let those motivational quotes help you overcome the self-imposed obstacles that limit your life.
Whenever you seek inspiration, just glance through these motivational quotes from influencers. You will probably find one that gives you the motivational push you need!
Motivational Keys
1. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
African Proverb
2. Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone.
Angela Duckworth – bestselling author and researcher in psychology
3. Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It is the mastery of fear.
Arianna Huffington, author, spiritualist, cofounder of Huffington Post
4. We need to understand that failure is not the opposite of success but a part of success.
Arianna Huffington, author, spiritualist, cofounder of Huffington Post
5. Behavioral (hard) skills will get you the job. Attitudinal (soft )skills will get you promoted.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
6. Control your fear, or your fear will control you.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
7. Create positive beliefs unrelated to your negative experiences.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
8. Every major setback gives you another opportunity to reinvent yourself at a higher level.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
9. Every problem is a wakeup call for the genius sleeping within you.
Asoka Jinadasa– award-winning author, trainer, coach
10. Hope is not a planning tool; imagination is.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
11. Human life has little meaning until we discover our wings and start flying.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
12. Taking one step at a time in the right direction will take you to any distant goal. Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
13. To build a taller building, build a deeper foundation first.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
14. You are not your mind. Don’t let your mind bully you.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
15. Only experience teaches you. You can’t learn skiing by watching videos.
Barry Moltz – small business expert, radio show host
16. No matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.
Bob Proctor – bestselling author, speaker, coach
17. No matter how small you start, start something that matters.
Brendon Burchard – bestselling author, performance coach
18. The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear.
Brian Tracy – motivational speaker, self-development consultant
19. Being smart enough to know you are dumb, makes learning easy.
Dan Rockwell – leadership & management expert, speaker
20. Committing to a vision turns paralyzing stress into energizing passion.
Dan Rockwell – leadership & management expert, speaker
21. To boost your willpower and focus, manage your distractions instead of letting them manage you.
Daniel Goleman – award-winning bestselling author
22. If you sharpen your intuition, which is emotion and intellect joining together, then knowingness occurs.
David Lynch – award-winning filmmaker, painter, guitarist, writer, actor
23. Exercise is a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety.
Denise Austin – bestselling author, health & fitness expert
24. Be skeptical, but learn to listen.
Don Miguel Ruiz – bestselling author of Toltec spiritualist texts
25. I never want to just play in the game. I want to change the way the game is played.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson – actor, producer, former wrestler & football player
26. How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?
Epictetus – Greek Stoic philosopher
27. Average people stop when they feel fear; highflyers continue despite their fear.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
28. Balancing your work and life is the key to balancing success and happiness.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
29. Check if a goal is worth the effort before taking off, not after landing.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
30. If you aim for the stars, you will at least reach the moon.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
31. Rational intelligence will win you admirers. Emotional intelligence will win you friends.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
32. Without passion, your life will be like a racing car with an empty fuel tank.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
33. Your values determine the value of your life.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin second edition
34. A penguin cannot become a giraffe. So be the best penguin you can be.
Gary Vaynerchuk – bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker
35. Have goals so big, your problems pale in comparison.
Grant Cardone – bestselling author, leading sales trainer, speaker
36. The mind is just like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.
Idowu Koyenikan – organizational consultant and author
37. Take 100% responsibility for your life.
Jack Canfield – bestselling author of over 500 million books
38. Key to life is to work hard, play hard, rest hard.
James Patterson – bestselling author, philanthropist
39. Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become a reality.
Jim Rohn – entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker
40. We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.
Joanne K. Rowling – bestselling author of Harry Potter books
41. If there is something you are passionate about, don’t let others take that passion away from you.
Justine Ezarik – award-winning top tech/business influencer on YouTube
42. Dream bigger. Live better. Make an impact.
Lewis Howes – bestselling author & podcaster
43. Where we fall are the stepping-stones for our journey.
Lolly Daskal – award-winning leadership executive coach, speaker
44. Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.
Malcolm Gladwell – bestselling author, public speaker
45. We are a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don’t really have an explanation for.
Malcolm Gladwell – bestselling author, public speaker
46. You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius – Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher
47. You have something in you more powerful and miraculous than the things that affect you and make you dance like a puppet.
Marcus Aurelius – Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher
48. It is time to think big, want more, and achieve it all.
Mark Victor Hansen – cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series
49. The number one thing that gets in our way is focusing on what we worry about.
Mark Waldman – bestselling author, expert on communication & the brain
50. What got you here, won’t get you there.
Marshall Goldsmith – #1 Executive Coach
51. One good idea applied immediately is better than five ideas stored unused in the mind.
Master Del Pe – modern sage, life mentor, author
52. In motion be like the angry tiger. In quietness be like the hibernating dragon.
Master Wang Xiang Zhai – Chinese martial arts master
53. Discover a more powerful you.
Mel Robbins – award-winning television host, author, speaker
54. Start something only if you are willing to do your best.
Nelson Piquet – one of the greatest Formula-1 racing drivers
55. When you focus on what you don’t have, you lose what you do have.
Nick Vujicic – award-winning motivational speaker, born without arms and legs
56. The secret of life is to fall seven times, and get up eight times.
Paulo Coelho – bestselling author of over 210 million books
57. You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.
Richard Branson – award-winning entrepreneur & marketer, bestselling author
58. Give out what you most want to come back.
Robin Sharma – bestselling author, leadership expert
59. What I have done well over the years is play with pain, play with problems, play in all sorts of conditions.
Roger Federer – top-ranking professional tennis player
60. Success in life is not how well we execute Plan A. It is how smoothly we cope with Plan B.
Sarah Ban Breathnach – bestselling author, philanthropist, public speaker
61. Live longer. Look younger. Feel sexier.
Sarah Brewer – award-winning health journalist, nutritionist doctor & therapist.
62. You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.
Seth Godin – bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker
63. The best advice my dad ever gave me was: Work hard and be patient.
Simon Cowell – award-winning television personality, entrepreneur
64. Follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Steve Jobs – cofounder of Apple Computer
65. Ask Big questions, find Big answers.
Sugata Mitra – award-winning educational theorist
66. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Sun Tzu – Chinese general who wrote the Art of War
67. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
Suzanne Somers – bestselling author, health advocate
68. I am the happiest man alive. I have that in me that can convert poverty into riches, adversity into prosperity.
Thomas Browne – author of Religio Medici
69. To do the impossible, you need to ignore the popular.
Tim Ferriss – award-winning author & podcaster, entrepreneur
70. The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
Tony Robbins – bestselling author, life & business strategist
71. You need to set realistic goals is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever encountered.
Vishen Lakhiani – Entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker
72. When I was 5 and playing against 11-year-olds who were bigger, stronger, and faster, I had to figure out a way to play with them.
Wayne Gretzky – iconic ice hockey player
73. We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources.
William James – father of American psychology
74. You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks.
Winston Churchill – former British Prime Minister
Motivational Insights
1. Easier to disintegrate an atom than a preconceived idea.
Albert Einstein – one of world’s greatest physicists
2. We must require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.
Albert Einstein – one of world’s greatest physicists
3. An empty mind is the mirror that can reflect reality in minute detail.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
4. Conscious living is the active part of mindfulness.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
5. Every child is a natural-born creative genius.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
6. Friends keep you happy; enemies keep you fighting fit
Asoka Jinadasa. – award-winning author, trainer, coach
7. Happiness is more about being than doing and having.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
8. Mindfulness requires mind-emptiness for nonjudgmental awareness with relaxed concentration.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
9. If a lion cub thinks it is a kitten, it will be catching mice all its life.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
10. If you win every game, your game won’t improve.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
11. Learning to ride a bicycle is easy once you stop worrying about falling off.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
12. Light is invisible until it strikes an object. So is your love until you share it.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
13. Silence between notes produces Music. Silence between thoughts produces Wisdom.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
14. Your mind has no limits except what you have implanted and forgotten.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
15. Imagination is the beginning of creation.
Bernard Shaw – famous playwright, critic, political activist
16. A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Bobby Bones – bestselling author, radio & television personality
17. Negativity is the enemy of creativity.
David Lynch – award-winning filmmaker, painter, guitarist, writer, actor
18. Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain.
Edward de Bono – Creator of Lateral Thinking
19. In today’s chaotic world, insanity is repeating the same things, expecting the same results.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin, second edition
20. Love removes the separation between ‘you’ and ‘me.’
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin, second edition
21. Stress is like salt. Too little makes everything bland. Too much ruins the taste and endangers health.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin, second edition
22. The ancient art of storytelling broadens the mindsets of people.
Felício Ferraz – coauthor of award-winning Flying Penguin, second edition
23. All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
Gautama Buddha
24. The major things that are keeping you from greater success are the unknowns in your mind.
Harry Palmer – creator of the Avatar course
25. Each day is an adventure in discovering the meaning of life.
Jack Canfield – bestselling author of over 500 million books
26. Too often, we measure everything and understand nothing.
Jack Welch – top CEO of all time, named “Manager of the Century” in 1999.
27. If you’re not in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?
Jessica Pels – editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan
28. Meditation cannot be cultivated or practiced by following a system. It must come naturally, like a flower that blooms.
Jiddu Krishnamurti – philosopher, speaker, writer
29. Few people attain great lives because it is so easy to settle for a good life.
Jim Collins – bestselling author of over 10 million books
30. Give people the tools to access their mind-body connection for self-empowerment.
Linda Mackenzie – award-winning author, founder of radio
31. A significant amount of human knowledge is tacit and therefore cannot be written down.
Lynda Gratton – prof. of management practice, organizational theorist
32. Enlightenment is awakened awareness.
Mark Victor Hansen – co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series
33. Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue based on insecurity, low self-esteem, and loneliness.
Naomi Campbell – award-winning supermodel, actress
34. I never lose. I win or I learn.
Nelson Mandela – a former President of South Africa
35. The most important thing in communication is hearing what is not said.
Peter Drucker – father of modern management thinking
36. The internet is our best friend and our worst enemy.
Robert Love – editor of AARP The Magazine & The Bulletin
37. Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.
Robin Sharma – bestselling author, leadership expert
38. Mistakes are proof you are trying.
Steve Keating – authority on improving the sales profession
39. Parents who are too soft on their kids today make it much harder for them to succeed tomorrow.
Steve Keating – authority on improving the sales profession
40. Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.
Sun Tzu – Chinese general who wrote the Art of War
Motivational Leadership
1. Developing leaders without a framework is like building a house without a plan.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
2. The aim of coaching and mentoring is to help others awaken their sleeping genius.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
3. There is no evidence that leadership is anything more than shorthand for a basket of quite disparate skills and abilities.
Bruce Fleming – award-winning author
4. Leadership is about managing energy; first in yourself and then in those around you.
James Clawson – prof. of business administration
5. As a leader, the first person I need to lead is me.
John C Maxwell – bestselling author of 24 million books, coach, speaker
6. Mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.
Steven Spielberg – award-winning film director, producer, screenwriter
Health and Youth
1. In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.
Albert Szent-Györgyi – Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine in 1937
2. Medical science has made such tremendous progress, there is hardly a healthy human left.
Aldous Huxley– nine-time nominee for Nobel Prize in Literature
3. Wild animals are healthy because they have no supermarkets and no pharmacies.
Asoka Jinadasa – award-winning author, trainer, coach
4. No doctor has ever healed anyone of anything in the history of the world. The human immune system heals, and that’s the only thing that heals.
Bob Wright – bestselling author
5. The face you have at 25 is the face God gave you. But the face you have after 50 is the face you earned.
Cindy Crawford – supermodel, actress
6. Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.
Deepak Chopra – bestselling author, alternative-medicine advocate
7. Across the world, traditional medicine is either the mainstay of healthcare delivery or serves as a complement to it.
Margaret Chan – a former Director General of WHO
8. We should be able to postpone or prevent the onset of diseases associated with aging.
Michael Fossel – Stanford neurobiologist
9. The biggest myth about aging is that we can’t do anything about it.
Suzanne Somers – bestselling author, health advocate
10. We are fed by the food industry that pays no attention to health, and treated by the health industry that pays no attention to food.
Wendell Berry – award-winning novelist, poet, farmer
Eating and Weight Loss
1. Counting calories makes you gain weight.
David Friedman – naturopathy doctor, award-winning bestselling author
2. Our food choices really do determine what we eventually become.
David Friedman – naturopathy doctor, award-winning bestselling author
3. I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in slaughterhouses and dairy farms.
Ellen DeGeneres – award-winning television host, comedian, actress, writer, producer
4. By releasing negative emotional ties to eating you can lose weight.
Linda Mackenzie – award-winning author, founder of radio
5. Food tells you everything about the way people live and who they are.
Martin Scorsese – award-winning film director, producer, screenwriter
6. Food is medicine, but processed food is poison.
Robert Lustig – prof. Emeritus at University of California
7. If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.
Michael Pollan – prof. of journalism, author
8. Processed food is what makes you sick.
Weston A. Price – pioneered linking nutrition to dental and physical health
9. Drink your solids and chew your liquids.
Walt Whitman – influential poet
Some of these motivational quotes from influencers could inspire you to overcome the self-imposed obstacles that limit your life. And to start achieving your dream goals.
So whenever you seek inspiration, just glance through these motivational quotes from influencers. You will probably find one that gives the motivational insight you need.
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