“How to feel good when things are bad” assumes great significance in an increasingly chaotic world. Because feeling bad when things are bad will make you feel even worse—at a time when you need good feelings to fuel your motivation to find innovative solutions to daunting problems.
Almost every challenging situation you face will cause emotional distress instead of physical stress. Therefore, your perception of such situations will directly influence how you feel.
As American political strategist Lee Atwater said simply and succinctly:
Perception is Reality
Change Your Point of View
To feel good when things are bad, start by changing your point of view about the underlying cause of any situation that makes you feel bad.
To change such negative thoughts and start feeling good, ask yourself if you are willing (not wanting) to face the challenges arising from your worst fears coming true.
If you are willing to see those as learning opportunities that help you achieve your vision, then your anxiety will vanish and you will feel good.
Committing to a vision turns paralyzing stress into energizing passion.
Dan Rockwell – leadership & management expert, speaker
You can use the Negative and Positive Visualization techniques described below to make that happen.
Negative Visualization (happy that things are not worse!) and Positive Visualization (happy that things could be better!) are two different methods you can use to feel good when things are bad.
Negative visualization helps you cope with a specific anxiety (e.g., a money problem).
Positive visualization helps you explore new opportunities arising from an unwelcome change (e.g., a career problem). These two simple methods help you feel good almost instantly by eliminating negative emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, and jealousy.
Once you start applying the correct visualization, you will feel good even when all hell is breaking loose around you! In a work environment, you can use negative and positive visualizations to find solutions to any problem: negative visualization to motivate people, and positive visualization to motivate new thinking.
Negative Visualization
The ancient philosophy of Stoicism advocated the use of negative visualization to feel good about any problem that seemed bad. And to become mentally prepared if what was bad becomes even worse.
For example, say you often suffer from anxiety about not having enough money. If you do a negative visualization of having no money at all, you will immediately feel good about the little money you do have. Once your anxiety is gone, you can calmly think of either earning more money or managing with less money.
This motivational mental technique nurtures a way of life that helps you totally eliminate negative emotions. Once you know how to feel good when things are bad, you will find the motivational strength to change the things that need change—instead of passively getting changed by them.
Though it may seem similar, negative visualization is very different from negative thinking, which is accompanied by anxiety and fear.
Positive Visualization
Positive visualization gives you the emotional strength to discover new options when faced with an unexpected problem.
For example, say you often suffer from anxiety about losing your job due to a downsizing of the workforce. Change your perspective.
Use positive visualization as a learning opportunity to explore new things you can do to earn your living that are far more fulfilling than what you are doing now.
You will immediately feel good and have more energy to do your present job. This may enable you to retain your job while others lose it due to poor performance caused by anxiety and fear.
Click Here to watch a video that explains the daily stoic way to eliminate negative emotions
Using negative or positive visualization to feel good when things are bad can be boosted by the totally new motivational technique described below.
No! lethargy to Yes! energy
The higher you fly, the harder you could fall. When trying to continue after a serious setback, your first reaction would be to say No! and give up. This would be the outcome of the mental conflict between the perceived safety of staying within your comfort zone and the risk of trying to breakout. This No! response also diminishes your mental energy to prevent any temptation to continue to do more things that could be risky.
Try this simple exercise. Say to yourself, No! three times, and see how you feel. Chances are you will feel a diminished level of mental energy, and your body posture will contract.
Now say Yes! three times loudly and see how you feel. You will immediately feel a higher level of mental and physical energy.
You can use this simple technique to instantly transform negative No! lethargy to positive Yes! energy.
There is a supporting technique that can make this Yes! energy very much stronger. It also provides a physical trigger for turning it on instantly. You will find details in the eBook, Secret Way to Boost Your Life
Once you know how to feel good when things are bad, you will know how to eliminate negative emotions such as fear, anger, and anxiety before they arise. And start finding new ways to achieve your dream goals even under unfavorable conditions.
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